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Previous Group Descriptions
ComMusicate ComMusicate offers a unique blend of music and speech-language therapy with the goal of developing early language and social communication skills. The 10-week program includes songs and activities chosen to meet the participants' speech, language and interaction goals. Is ComMusicate the right group for my child?
ComMusicate was developed for preschool children between the ages of 2.5 and 5 years of age
Level 1 is for children with few to no words and / or minimal interaction skills
Level 2 is for children who use single words or gestures and some two word combinations and who interact to make requests (at minimum).
A love of music and movement is a great place to start with this program.
Social Communication Groups
Learning to play and interact with peers is a crucial step in the social communication development of children. By participating in social communication groups, children and their parents have the opportunity to identify social strengths and areas of growth and to practice interaction skills.
Social Communication Group 1:
For children who have mild language delays or typical language skills
Targets conversations skills with adults and peers
Promotes socio-dramatic pretend play with adults and peers
Develops early stages of theory of mind
Includes both parent coaching and direct therapy
Based on Talkability, The Hanen Centre's program for verbal children on the Autism Spectrum
Social Communication Group 2:
For children with typical language skills
Targets social competency development within each child through peer interaction
Follows the "We Thinkers" curriculum developed by Ryan Hendrix, Kari Zweber Palmer, Nancy Tarshis, and Michelle Garcia Winner of Social Thinking