At the heart of every human conversation is the desire to interact in some way with another person. The communicating with others is the underpinning for all written, spoken and signed languages. Social communication difficulties refer to gaps in the ability to interact with others. SLPs are skilled in identifying these gaps and helping children and adults to learn and develop these abilities.
When should I see a Speech-Language Pathologist?
My child is 18 months or older and does not yet...
make eye contact or makes eye contact infrequently
look at objects or people across the room when I point to them
respond when I call their name
point to objects to ask for them
show me interesting things by pointing them out or bringing them to me
smile at me while looking at me
look at me to see if I am watching them
try to imitate my actions or words
My child has difficulties...
playing with other children
understanding feelings
paying attention to non-verbal communication
taking part in conversation
taking turns
adjusting to changes in expectation (e.g., losing a game, change in plans or schedule)
*These descriptors are meant as a guideline for parents do not describe a comprehensive list of social communication difficulties. If you have any concerns with your child's ability to interact with you or with other children please contact us.